Friday, May 29, 2015

Trying Something New! :)

What makes you say you want to try something new? Is it pain that motivates you? Is it unwanted emotional feelings that make you want to make changes in your life? I’m sure the decision is individual for all of us.

Do you think about trying new things very often? Do you think about how it would feel to not have those heavy weights bogging you down? Imagine how it would feel to be able to walk around with a feeling of lightness instead of a feeling of heaviness. Imagine how it would feel to be able to release the heaviness in a calm and non-invasive space.

CranioSacral Therapy and/or a Massage can help you release your tension – physical and emotional. I create an environment for my clients that is peaceful and non invasive where people can come and relax. If you’re new to CranioSacral we could even mix it with some manual massage techniques. I work by what my clients need each time they come in.

Have a great day and a beautiful weekend!! Call for an appointment to start letting things go today! 828-450-5050

Monday, May 25, 2015



Journaling can be a great way to release stuck emotions or feelings. It’s a way to get things out that you have been having trouble getting out other ways. Journaling is a way to calm the chaos in your head by putting it down on paper or typing it on a computer. Not that journaling will make you forget everything that you have going on in your head, but at least it will calm the chaos by sorting the thoughts out some.

You can rip the paper up to shreds when you are done with it to get the visual that those thoughts are being destroyed. It helps to let go of things this way because it gives you the visual of letting your thoughts go and then ripping them up so they cannot be put together anymore.

Journaling has been helpful for other clients of mine and for myself too. Go ahead and give it a try to see if it helps you too! :)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Top Ten Reasons to Try CranioSacral Therapy :)

Top Ten Reasons to Try CranioSacral Therapy!

1. You suffer from headaches or migraines.

2. You suffer from back, hip or neck pain.

3. You feel bogged down from daily stressors/life.

4. You are experiencing jaw pain or have TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder)

5. Your life is feeling out of balance.

6. You are healing from an injury.

7. You have trouble concentrating on anything.

8.  Your immune system is not as strong as it should be.

9. You are healing from a concussion or a more serious head injury and have your doctor's clearance.

10. You're whole body feels tense and you need some unwinding.

CranioSacral is a non invasive, gentle therapy that works be freeing restrictions in your body to allow your natural healing processes to work. By combining CranioSacral Therapy with gentle massage techniques your body is able to free more restrictions and get to the reason why the pain is there in the first place. Our bodies are amazing in the way that they know how to heal - we just need to give them the optimal space and time.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Right Direction :)

How do you know when you are on the right track? How do you know when you are headed in the right direction? Is there a certain feeling that you get? Or are there signs? How do you know when you are making the right decisions?

Is it when you are taking care of yourself and feeling your healthiest? Is it when you have identified the unnecessary stressors in your life and eliminated them?  What do you have to do to eliminate unnecessary stressors? To eliminate the unnecessary stressors in my life I have to look within myself and find what feels out of balance or what seems like it isn’t working in my life. Sometimes it takes asking others how they feel at different times in their lives. Sometimes it takes asking myself tough questions. Sometimes it takes talking to someone else and dialoguing about ways to find more ease in my life and ways to eliminate stressful things in our lives.

When we eliminate excessive stress and tightness in our life, we make it easier to deal with other issues that need our attention at that time. Through stretching and various forms of bodywork it helps us to move easier through life and focus on things with a clearer head. Sometimes we carry restrictions in our lives without knowing exactly why we are carrying them. Having regular bodywork sessions can be a great way to release our stress and tension and to feel changes in our bodies so we can tell when we start tightening up again.

How do you know when you are moving in the right direction in your life???

Call 828-450-5050 today for an appointment in my NEW and BEAUTIFUL location - 
Center For Yoga - 1780 E Grand River East Lansing MI! Start moving in a less stressful and easier way today! :)