Sunday, June 28, 2015

Set Backs...

How do you deal with set backs? How do you keep moving forward? What keeps you motivated so you keep putting one foot in front of the other?

I think, too many times, when something gets tough people throw in the towel. People may see illness or life hurdles as a way to give up. I don’t believe it always has to be. Instead, change your view to see it as a challenge instead of something that is impossible. 

What helps you keep going? Is it motivation from someone else? Is it motivation from inside of yourself? Or is it because you are trying to succeed to help someone or something else grow?

When I start to feel discouraged, I allow myself to fully feel and try to understand the reason I’m feeling discouraged, but then I try to think of ways to move past that. I try to think of ways that might make me feel better so I can pick myself up and keep going forward. 

Finding a way to release the discouraged feeling is important. Writing, playing/singing music, exercising, and/or talking to someone else are all good ways to release unnecessary feelings. The most important part is to find what might work for you.

What helps you to keep moving forward???

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Active Isolated Stretching/Strengthening

Active Isolated Stretching

This weekend I attended an Active Isolated Stretching class. We learned ways to help people recover from injuries, help muscles have more range of motion, and increase flexibility.

During this class we were able to work on ourselves and on each other seeing how much of an effect the stretching was having on our mobility. By day 3 we were feeling very limber and moving more freely.  We were able to watch, as we worked on each other, our range of motion increase and pain decrease as we continually did the stretching technique.

A quote taken from Aaron L  Mattes book – Active Isolated Streching: The Mattes Method, “Trauma, overuse, and age are the most common causes of muscle tightness resulting in protective flexor postures.”
As we age we slow down and may develop poor habits like hunched shoulders or our hips may become tight because of changes in our walking habits. This work can help you stand straighter and move with less pain.

Stretching is important for your bodies’ circulation, oxygenation, relaxation, lymphatic circulation, and tissue lengthening. Everyone should incorporate stretching in their daily routines.

We also were instructed on exercises to go along with the stretching that people can do to strengthen the weak areas.  The exercises we learned can help in becoming stronger, improving posture, and decrease pain.

This work is great for anyone who is recovering from an injury or anyone who feels like they can improve performance in various areas of their life.

Monday, June 15, 2015


I’ve been thinking a lot about goals lately. I’ve never been one to really incorporate that word into my life. For some reason it is not really a word that I like. I would rather change the wording and call them things I’m working on or things I’m putting my energy to. Sometimes I feel that when we call them goals we are setting ourselves up for disappointment. What if a family or health issue prevents us from reaching that “goal?”

That being said there are things that I work towards or put my energy into. I work hard to reach what I set my mind to, but I also cut myself slack if something happens and I can’t do it in the time frame that I had hoped or even at all.

The purpose of this is to continue to grow and continue to find things you are working towards. Even if you can’t reach them for some reason doesn’t mean that you throw in the towel and give up on everything. I think your sight slightly changes.  Maybe the goal changes completely or maybe you have to alter the goal to fit your new circumstances.  No matter what, find something to continue to work towards, or if you choose, a goal you want to achieve. :)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Comfort Zone

6.8.2015         Comfort Zone

When I think of being comfortable the first thing that comes to mind is a big warm blanket wrapped around my shoulders. I love the feeling of warm blankets or of heavy sweaters keeping me warm. They help me feel safe and they help me feel comfortable.

What makes you feel comfortable? Is it feeling safe with a warm blanket or being wrapped up? Or is it something different entirely?

During CranioSacral Therapy you can leave your clothes on – you don’t have to take anything off. If you are cold you can have a warm blanket around you. I want you to be completely comfortable and at ease during the treatment. When your body can completely relax and take in the treatment, you are able to receive all of the benefits and your body is able to unwind and restore to its natural healing state. :)