Sunday, March 29, 2015

Calm and Centered :)

 How do you get ready for Monday’s? How do you prepare yourself to face work after a weekend where you were able to unwind a little?

Do you have to prepare yourself Sunday night by getting everything in order so that you know you’ll be prepared to walk out the door Monday morning? Do you set everything out the night before so when you wake up in the morning everything is ready to go?

Do you make sure you are eating healthy meals at all times so your brain is nourished and able to focus on difficult tasks?

Do you make sure you get enough sleep Sunday night so you wake up feeling refreshed and not groggy or exhausted Monday morning?

Do you do deep breathing or meditation or something else to clear your mind before you go back to your hectic work schedule? Do you do a stretching routine so your body is more flexible and not full of tension?

Do you schedule yourself a bodywork appointment at some time during the week to relax and so you have something to look forward to?

My guess is that you probably could add a few more of these ideas to your list. My guess is that Monday doesn’t always roll around as easily as it could. Why not make it easier for yourself by adding a few more of these to your routine?

Why not take a few minutes to do some of these tonight or even tomorrow morning before you go to work? Think of Monday as being a calmer day instead of one where you are running around trying to get a million things done with a mind that is full of chaos.  How would your day go if you approached it with a clearer mind and a more fluid body with less restrictions?

Please share your ideas of how you approach each Monday or even each day.
Thanks! Have a great week!

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