Thursday, January 29, 2015

What a CranioSacral Session is like.

A common question I receive when people call about CranioSacral sessions is how many sessions do I think they will they need. This is a tough question to answer because everyone is different. Many factors need to be considered when it comes to trying to figure this out. Factors such as – How long has the issue(s) been going on?, How severe is the issue?, Is there an emotional counterpart that needs to be worked on?, Are there other issues/injuries making the issue worse?.

I recommend that when people first start coming to see me, they at least try four consecutive sessions (one time per week for four weeks). After the four weeks are over, then they should be able to tell how long their body holds the treatment and how often they feel like they need/want to receive a treatment. Of course if this is not possible due to time restraints or financial issues we can work it out in the most advantageous way.
I have clients who come to me once a week, once every other week, once a month, and some who come several times a year but at the times when they feel like they need to come in. So you can see everyone is different and it is learning to listen to your body and how often you feel like you need a treatment.

People also ask what they have to do during a session. I actually don’t want you to do anything during a session besides try to relax and be open to changes happening in your body. I will ask you to lie on your back on my table (you don’t have to take anything off). The most common things people feel during a session are a deep sense of relaxation, a lengthening of their bodies, a clearer mind, and a feeling of their bodies settling into the table. I mainly hold areas on your body to release the restrictions in your tissues to allow your body to completely relax and the healing processes to begin. I may also lift an arm or a leg and follow the way the tissues want to unwind as your arm or leg slowly lay flat back on the table.

Everyone’s experience is original and one of a kind. No two sessions are alike. We all have different restrictions in our lives that need to be released.

What would you let go of if you had the chance??? :)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Amazing Sessions :)

Amazing Sessions

I have been fortunate to assist many people on their healing journeys. From people who suffer from chronic pain to people who get stuck in emotional turmoil their sessions have taught me so much over the years. I feel so lucky and blessed to be able to help these people move forward in their lives in a healthier way. Sometimes the effect is immediate and sometimes I’ll get an email or a visit at a later time saying how much their session has helped them. It is amazing to see the clarity of their faces and the ease in their movement. The unwinding in our bodies continues for days after a treatment. I am reminded of what my beloved Grandmother used to tell me after I would work on her, “I feel good now sweetie, but I know I’ll feel much better later.” She knew the therapeutic effects would keep unwinding in her body and help her continue to release tension. J

I have worked with many people who deal with chronic headaches/migraines. It is wonderful to be able to help them either significantly reduce or get rid of their pain. This is one of my favorite things to be able to help people with because this subject hits so close to home for me. Being a person who suffered with headaches and migraines for many years, it is wonderful for me to be able to help people in the way that I was helped. CranioSacral Therapy was a big part of me reducing my headaches, but my journey also involved learning that I have dietary sensitivities and TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder). These too added to my headaches. So it is a journey for all of us to listen to our bodies and learn about the things that might be out of balance or things we need to eliminate from our diets. CranioSacral Therapy is a great way to start to be able to balance our bodies and become more in touch with the way we feel and what makes us feel out of balance so we can try to stay in the best environment more of the time.

What do you do to stay in balance in your life???

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

My Very First Blog Entry - Healthy Healing with Stephanie :)

My Very First Blog Entry :)

So, I decided to start a blog. I will write mainly about health and healing topics, but am open to hearing what you guys want me to write about or any other ideas you might have. So, here’s a little bit about me and my work.

I am a CranioSacral Therapist who is passionate about her work. I love helping others feel better in all areas of their lives (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually). I have been doing this work for 12 years (wow, has it been that long?!). 

My passion is helping people with headaches/migraines and/or emotional issues that conventional therapy has not proven effective for.  My work through the years has led me to understand more about people and that each individual is just that, very individual and unique. How I treat one person may not work for the next person so I am always having to keep an open mind and be willing to try new things to find what will work for that specific person. 

I love to see a person get that Ah Ha! moment. Something clicks in their head and the light bulb goes off. It is amazing to see them start to go deeper inside of themselves and really start peeling layers off of what is bothering them. I love seeing them come back for appts with new insights and new issues to work on. The way that CranioSacral works is that after the treatment, the unwinding continues when people come off of the table. People notice releases happening for days afterwards.

I hope you all have enjoyed the first entry into my blog. I would love to hear your comments and if there are other topics you are interested in me writing about. Have a happy and healthy day! :)
