Saturday, February 7, 2015

Focus on the Core

Focus on the core

When people come to see me for bodywork, they often have a primary complaint – something is aching or is in pain. So we’ll focus on that issue first, but so often, many more issues come out as the primary complaint is being worked out. I like to see the layers people have built over their lifetimes slowly (and sometimes quickly) peel away.  It is an amazing thing to watch and I am lucky and blessed to be able to assist in this process.

CranioSacral Therapy is good at getting to the core of what is causing the pain – not just focusing on the primary complaint – but rather addressing the issues that have built up to the present condition. CST works by helping to take the core issue away so once that is worked through, the primary complaint gets better and doesn’t usually return in the same form.

I believe we all hold emotional issues in our bodies – not always aware of the fact that we are holding on to so much. Until these emotional issues can release, the pain will persist. SomatoEmotional Release is another part of CranioSacral Therapy where emotions that are trapped in your body tissues can safely release in a safe and supported environment. Sometimes the emotional release happens on my table and other times it happens when you are home. I’ve had clients tell me they had an emotional release later that day when they got home. The best thing I tell them to do is to just let it come out, don’t shut it down. Allow the emotions to release in whatever way they want to come out. This will help your body to release more restrictions and function in the best way possible.

Some people are worried that I can make your body have an emotional release. This is not true. I cannot force your body to go into an emotional release – I can only assist your body if it decides to start releasing emotions. The way that I can assist you during this release is through dialogue. We may use imagery or visualizations as well. We work together until we find a way that works best for you to completely let go of whatever has come up.

How do you like to let go of things? Imagery, Dialogue, or something else?

Please share your ideas/questions below. Thanks for reading my latest blog!

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