Saturday, February 21, 2015

Finding Balance.

  I was working on balance and stability exercises the other morning during my exercise routine.  As I was standing on a wobbly board trying not to topple over, I wondered, how do other people find balance in their lives? Or how do people work on finding balance in their lives? At times I work very hard at this and at other times, maybe I should work harder. Even if I am feeling completely balanced, I know I always need to work on it to be able to feel balanced as I go through my days.

I know getting regular work on myself or just taking time for myself is very important in finding balance. Whether it’s through exercising, ballroom dancing with my dad, taking a yoga class, getting acupuncture, or something else, I know that if I don’t take that time for myself, I will feel out of sorts soon.

When I work on myself I usually have a much clearer head that allows me to get things done that I didn’t have the clarity to get through before. It’s not that I have to go into a deep meditative place or anything. I think the most important thing is that the activities like dancing or acupuncture take me out of my normal routine and force me to use my mind in ways that I don’t do on a regular basis.  It’s sort of like pressing the refresh button on your computer screen – it gives my mind a way to reboot. :)

How do you find balance in your life? Is it through getting work done on yourself such as a massage, taking a yoga class, etc? Or is it going on a long walk or bike ride? I believe everyone needs to find something that they can do for themselves that allows them to clear their mind and be able to give themselves a break from their normal routine.

Please share your favorite ways to find balance in your life!

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