Friday, March 6, 2015

Life Transitions

I've been thinking a lot about transitions lately. We all go through various transitions throughout our entire lives. Do we approach these with fear, with hesitation, or with strength, and an open mind?

Personally, I think it depends on the transition. It seems with things like a new relationship or even marriage, we look at that in more of a positive light. We are excited and the transition seems to go pretty well. With things like job losses, tough relationship hurdles, or losing loved ones, our whole bodies seem to tense up when we think of those. Our shoulders raise, our backs tighten, our fists may even clench. Those transitions seem to be harder and we seem to not go easily through those.

When we approach transitions - no matter if they are easy or hard - with an open and relaxed state of mind - they seem to go more smoothly. We allow our bodies and minds to actually process the whole situation rather than being wrapped up in our emotions and letting those control how we feel during uncertain times. I'm not saying it takes away the happiness or sadness of an event - but it will hopefully help clear your mind so you can stay a little more focused on what needs to be done.

When we approach transitions with a closed mind and are fighting it the whole way, it takes much longer to find peace with the situation. When we resist the inevitable (that change is a constant) we set ourselves up for frustrations, headaches, and sometimes even depression.

I ask you to find a way that you think you could better prepare yourself for whatever next transition is coming. How can you make the situation seem easier or how can you work out a route that will help you get through it?

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