Saturday, August 15, 2015


For the past several weeks I have not felt well. I have been dealing with some illnesses lately. Yesterday was the first day that I felt more normal. Still more tired than usual, but to be able to feel happier and with less pain was wonderful.  It got me thinking about how certain people we meet during our lives are thought of as withdrawn, rude, or cast aside because they seem to be anti-social. When maybe a lot of what seems to be rude behavior, may just be the fact that they are not feeling well. I know that when I’m not feeling well I do not feel like carrying on conversations with people, I tend not to smile a lot, etc etc.

What a difference it would make if, instead of sending these people unfair judgments we could send them love and caring. How much of a difference would that make in their lives? How much of a difference would that make in our lives? Doesn’t it feel better to send love rather than judgments?

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